Welcome to my first ever blog post!
Hmm... now that I have this thing up and running, what do I do next?
*long pause*
I should probably tell you why I finally decided to join the rest of the world and start blogging, right?
Well, like the title says, I am a previously pudgie girl living in Pittsburgh.
Three years ago, I started Weight Watchers after watching the success my mother had with it. She had lost about 40 pounds at the time, so I figured I had nothing to lose. (haha...)
May 24, 2006, was the my first Weight Watchers meeting. I was a size 16, but I refused to buy bigger pants, so I was probably more of an 18-20. I hadn't been on a scale since the end of high school, and at that time, I weighed 180.
I prepared myself for 180. "It couldn't be higher than that," I remember thinking to myself. And then the woman behind the scale said, "231.2."
WHAT?!?!?Yeah... that's right, folks. I just finished my sophmore year of college, and I had gained more than 50 pounds. WHO DOES THAT?!
And, unfortunately, I have photographic proof:

Yeah... it's a great photo, I know.
So, anywho, after a little more than two years on WW, I hit my goal of 160 pounds on July 7. You'd think I'd have a photo of this amazing day, but I don't. Go figure, I save the crazy chubbie photo...
Then, the treaded "maintanence" stage, that NO ONE can prepare you for: not your leader, mom, boyfriend, friend, cat...NO ONE.
Well, that was a little tramatic because maintanence started well. I was a steady 160 from July until early October. But, then... I seemed to lose all control over what I ate. From October to December, I think I ate everything I saw. From cookies to hoagies to chip and slurpies, there was really no stopping me.
When the holidays were over, I decided that it was time to get back on track. I was SO motivated. I had a resolution and
The Biggest Loser to keep me motivated come Jan. 1. (Side note - Is it totally weird that I think of Tara when I work out? I want to BE her!) I even went out and bought a scale.
So, on the 1st, I got up in the morning and got on the scale.
WHO GAINS 22 POUNDS OVER THE HOLIDAYS?!?I'm noticing that all of these answers seems to be "me." I'm not liking that...Since January, I've been committeed and had a few set backs... Birthday, Easter, WV Tailgate, etc. But, I am 168.6 today - down 13.6 from the New Year. I just got my photo taken at work the other day, and if you are nice, I'll post it sometime.
And, here we are today.
Oh, and you're asking, "Why in the world did you decide to write a blog and put that information out there for EVERYONE?"
Lately, I've been feeling a lack of motivation, and I thought this might be the perfect way to lose the last few pounds. If I think that someone might read this, maybe it will make me try hard and be accountable for my actions. That and Kristie Allie mentioned doing the same thing on Oprah the other day, and I thought to myself, "I can do that, too!"
My goal is to post every day about what I eat and cook. I want to go out to places to eat in the Pittsburgh area and report back on all the good, healthy options at these restaurants. I'm thinking of testing out a few snack and exercise plans, too, but I'm trying to go one step at a time.
Well, thank you for actually reading all of that. I'm pretty impressed, if you did. I'm looking forward to posting my first real post tomorrow. So, we'll see how that goes!
Forever pudgie,