Sunday, June 7, 2009

All weight loss counts!!

Oh, it's Sunday morning, and time for the weekly weigh in...

I know this week could have been better. Last Sunday, I ate my weight in garlic bread, and while I counted it, I know it wasn't good. I feel like any week that I eat too many carbs, the weight just sticks.
Also, Friday night, Ryan and I went to go see "The Hangover" (AWESOME MOVIE!!), and I finally talked him into going to my favorite restaurant Sieb's Pub. They have the best crab cake salad: lettuce, green peppers, red onion, tomato, cucumber with fat-free raspberry vinaigrette and a nice little crab cake on top.
That meal would have only cost me 4 points if it wasn't for the mound of cheesy grilled chicken nachos Ryan order. And, OF COURSE, I had to eat some. THERE ARE TOO YUMMY!
So, all in all, I'm happy with this week. I wasn't sure what to expect, and to see 165 on the scale again is pretty exciting, even if it is followed by .8.
Right now, I'm heating up some oatmeal with cinnamon, a teaspoon of brown sugar and skim milk topped with a little Fiber One for some crunchiness. I know it sounds weird, but the Fiber One beats the calories in granola any day.
I think today I'll also be doing some swimsuit shopping. If you are lucky, I'll post my findings this week. ONLY FOUR MORE WEEKS AND I'LL BE LAYING ON THE BEACH!!! WOOO!!!
Have a great week, my fellow pudgie ones.
With sincere pudge,
P.S. Has anyone ever hung on the towel bar to see what the scale does? It's actually kinda funny... "Look, I'm only 113!!"

Thursday, June 4, 2009



And, it seems to be everywhere I look: on the TV, in my coupons, at work, EVERYWHERE!!

As if you can't tell, I LOVE PIZZA. It's probably one of my favorite foods in the whole world, especially the five-cheese one from Cafe Milano in downtown...

This image is now making me think of donuts... DAMN IT!

I was watching Sandra Lee's Money Saving Meals this weekend, and she made Farm Stand Pizza. It was basically a veggie pizza. It looked pretty tasty, so I decided to give it a try last night.

I made a few substitutions...

  • I didn't make her tomato sauce because I was lazy, so i just used some canned diced tomatoes
  • I used fat-free mozzarella instead of the good, fatty, yummy cheese
  • I used a Flat Out tortilla instead of the pizza dough - 1 point and totally delicious, by FAR the best high fiber tortilla out there

Overall, not bad but not great. But, I didn't really care for the broccoli on it. I thought it was kind of odd. If I would do it again, I would nix the broccoli.

Since I was disappointed, I decided to give it another try tonight. I actually stumbled upon this recipe in Prevention magazine, which I some how have a subscription to even though I never signed up for one...

Yes... I eat off of pink plates. And, they are AWESOME.

This is how the pizza went down:

  • Flat Out tortilla
  • Diced tomatoes
  • Grilled chicken
  • Fat-free mozzarella
  • Oregano
  • Minced garlic

Ummm... DELICIOUS!! It was actually really good, and something I will definitely eat more often. Everything except the wrap is CORE, so it only cost me 1 point. A small slice of cheese pizza is 6 points!! I would say this is a pretty good deal!!!

Anyone out there have any other yummy low-cal pizza ideas? You know I want to hear them!

Your pudgie pizza lover,

Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday, Monday

See, I told you I'd post today.
Today was a pretty good day. Let take a look at the foood breakdown, shall we?
1/2 a cup of plain oatmeal with one cup of skim milk sprinkled with fiber one
Wow... if that ain't an old lady breakfast...
A salad from my favorite place in the whole world, Fresh Corner, in our food court!
  • Lettuce
  • Grilled, plain chicken
  • 1 tbsp of shredded asiago
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Red onion
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Fat-free raspberry vinaigrette

OMG... it is awesome. Everything is so fresh and tasty. It's also like the most expensive place to buy lunch, so I tried to limit myself to once a week, MAX.

I also had some fat-free, sugar-free chocolate fudge pudding and a sugar-free jell-o cup. So, I went from eating like an 80-year-old to an 8-year-old...

I had a bag of 94 percent fat-free popcorn when I got home from work and some more of that delicious pudding. I'M NOT WEIRD! IT IS SO GOOD!

Tonight, we had salmon fillets with green beans and a baked potato, which was topped with fat-free sour cream and fat-free cheddar. Yes, the fat-free cheese is a little gross, but if you melt it, it tastes soooo much better.

I made an angel food cake yesterday, so I had one slice tonight, which was AWESOME. I have to have Ryan hide the rest of it, so I don't eat it all tomorrow...

Overall, it was a pretty good day. I went to spinning this afternoon at the gym for 45 minutes and biked about 15 miles.

I'm always looking for new things to try, so if anyone has any suggestions, LET ME KNOW!

Peace the pudge out,