Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Suck...

So... it's February and my last post was in August...
I am the worst blogger in the world...
But, I'm back, and that's all the matters, right?
Anywho, A LOT has happened since August, so I'll use the next couple posts to bring everyone up to date on a few things. Let's start with the most important item...

My weight!
August 2009
161.2 pounds

February 2010

That's right, baby. I am TINY!!!

Sorry... I'm coming back down to Earth now...

I currently weigh 148.6, I'm a size 6 and I LOVE THE WAY A LOOK. This brings my grand total of weight loss to 82.6.

*Sorry Highmark WeightWatcher scale... Today, you said I weigh 153.6, and I do not believe that I gained 5 pounds since Saturday. You can go suck an egg.

That picture is the first photo I've had taken of me since the Zumba certification class, and I could not believe I really looked like that. This is the first time I've EVER looked at a photo and thought, "Gosh, I really HAVE lost a lot of weight." It was a really great feeling.

Want to know how I lost those additional 12.6 pounds? Well, I guess you'll just have to come back to find out.


Pudge out,
